Many of you will recognize that as a building at Fisk University. This is not the original picture that I took, because the quality wasn't good enough to see the important details, and I wasn't able to fix it in photoshop. However, that does not take away from how relevant this building is to acknowledging Victorian architecture. It is castle-esque, with many windows and curvilinear structures on the outside. The bell tower is by far the most prominent Victorian design element, with it's rustic shape and exterior context.
This is a picture of a book I found at my friend's house... his mom collects old book reproductions, because few of us have enough money to get our hands on the real thing. Aside, this is a wonderful example of A&C book page and text design. It's busy organic vine-like shapes and structures are your classic Arts & Crafts standard, with a recognizable Gothic look and feel. Even the title of the page seems to agree with that statement.

You guessed it! It's the Regal Cinema at 100 Oaks! This brilliant work of neon art screams art deco. It's futuristic structure is hideous to the point of not being able to take your eyes off of it. It is retro and spunky, just like most art deco architecture, and I was NOT going to pass up a chance to get this gem worked into my blog.

This is an example of Van Gogh's work that is similar to what I've displayed above.

This is a bird silhouette mobile that I have hanging from a lamp in my room. As you know, birds and silhouettes were extremely popular motifs during the art nouveau movement... so I figured that a combination of the two would make a great example. Once again, organic forms and nature are big influences on art, and they come together wonderfully, as seen here. While it is true that this is perhaps a more modern take on art nouveau, it is still a pretty darn good example if you ask me.
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